New Users - Create an Account:
New users will first need to create an account. Once you have done that, you can proceed to the next steps for registering for the training.
Visit and choose Sign Up
Look for the verification email in your inbox. Enter the verification code from your email on the sign up page when prompted.
Log in to the system with your email and password at At this time, you will be asked some questions about your role and interests.
Proceed to the steps below under Existing Users - I have an Account.
Existing Users - I Have an Account:
Head over to the catalog of virtual trainings by clicking LEARN in the top right corner of the page, then Join a virtual training - or click here.
Click the title of the training you are interested in.
Click on the available date and time that you would like to join to take you to the training overview page for that event.
Click Register.
Next you will see any prerequisites listed, if applicable, and will also receive a copy of them in your email confirmation. All prerequisites need to be completed before the training in order to receive the joining instructions for Zoom.
Using the Zoom link that you will be emailed, open the link in a web browser like Chrome, Safari, Explorer, etc. to join the meeting.
For more tips and help, you might be interested in the following articles: